FAME (South Australia)
History and Philosophy
FAME is a Catholic school steeped in the Edmund Rice tradition. The school strives to follow the original work of Edmund Rice of empowering young people from the streets of Waterford Ireland in the early 1800s. He did this through a special form of education that enabled them to rise from poverty and raised them to the status of men. FAME first began as a mobile service in the Christies Beach / southern suburbs of Adelaide for young people who had disengaged from mainstream schooling. The young people came from complex backgrounds. Since this time FAME has undergone various partnerships with schools where it existed as a flexible learning program. FAME also operated out of various locations in the Hackham and Christies Beach area. In 2015, FAME became registered as a special assistance school within EREA Flexible Schools Networks. The school moved locations in 2016 and now operates across two Onkaparinga council youth centres, the Wardli Youth Centre, Christie Downs and Base 10 Youth Centre, Reynella. FAME works within the EREAFSN framework and practices. These practices include working within the four principles (Respect, Participation, Honesty, and Safe and Legal), and invite staff and young people onto a “common ground” where everyone has a voice in making decisions and establishing working agreements to foster a positive environment where young people can achieve positive educational and wellbeing outcomes.
FAME provides an educational service for young people aged 12 – 19 years of age where they can complete their secondary schooling and access a variety of SACE, internal and external VET (Vocational Education Training) courses. FAME creates an environment where young people can access a safe environment, experience a high level of wellbeing and receive educational support to help them achieve outcomes in their Personal Learning Plans (PLP). FAME aims to re-engage young people who have either disengaged with their schooling or who are looking to access a different model to mainstream schooling. Young people have the chance to access a variety of activities including music, physical fitness, art, catering/hospitality and other engaging options.
The FAME Practice Framework utilizes trauma informed practices to create safe and calm classroom environments. These practices include meditation, check ins and brain break activities. The school embeds learning about the brain and its effects on daily life into classes. The school has several curriculum options that are tailored to the needs and abilities of the young people.
The curriculum options include: • SACE subjects. • Australian Curriculum. • Certificate II in Functional Literacy. • Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways • Australian Core Skills Framework • Certificate II in Kitchen Operations • Certificate II in Music Industry • Other external VET options.
FAME has recently combined into a single campus at:
4 Ochre Place, Christie Downs SA 5164
Contact Details
Head of Campus: Adam James
Phone: (08) 8489 8800
Email: FAMEadmin@ereafsn.edu.au
COVID-19 School Imformation
4 Ochre Place, Christie Downs SA 5164
Phone: 08 8489 8800