Geraldton Flexible School
History and Philosophy
The Geraldton Flexible School (GFS) has been operating since 2010, providing a much-needed alternative option for education in the Midwest region of Western Australia. GFS offers one of very few options available in regional WA for young people who have been disengaged from mainstream education. The philosophy of the GFS draws on the spirit and vision of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) and is firmly grounded in the Charter document of this organisation (see As a Curriculum and Re-Engagement (CARE) school, GFS provides young people from this area the opportunity to re-engage with education in a supported learning environment. The school achieves its mission through a framework for negotiating outcomes known as Operation by Principle. These principles RESPECT, HONESTY, SAFE & LEGAL & PARTICIPATION mimic the social norms of a civilised society. Here at GFS principles are used by both young people and staff to negotiate learning, build personal relationships and resolve conflict.
The school works closely with many government and non-government agencies which have an interest in supporting positive outcomes for youth including: • Youth Justice • Department of Community Services • Headspace • Community Health • Women’s Health Resource Centre • Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation • Geraldton Streetworkers Aboriginal Corporation • Police and Citizens Youth Centre (PCYC) • Short Term Accommodation for Youth (STAY) • Sun City Christian Centre • Geraldton Foodbank • Central Regional TAFE
GFS endeavours to meet the needs of our cohort and the community while also adhering to the requirements set out by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCASA) and Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA). The curriculum is delivered with the guidance of negotiated Individual Learning Plans. These plans are developed by the teacher and youth worker, in consultation with the young person and their families.
Immersion (Yrs 7 & 8) The focus of this program is to immerse young people in flexible, negotiated learning that aims to balance academic work with adventure based learning. Subjects and activities include English, Mathematics, Health & Physical Education, Art and adventure based activities such as bike riding, bush walking and snorkelling.
Project (Yrs 9 & 10) Young people in the Project class learn through the concept of negotiated projects that are interest based and cover key aspects of the Western Australian Curriculum including English, Mathematics, Health & Physical Education and Art. Learning opportunities are balanced between offsite adventure-based activities and the onsite classroom environment.
Senior Transition (Yrs 11 & 12) The Senior Transition Class aims to support young people in working towards the achievement of the Western Australian Certificate of Education. Young people have the opportunity to develop functional literacy and numeracy skills, practical work-related competencies, and the chance to build personal and core employability skills that are important for life and work.
Contact Details – Geraldton
Head of Campus: Lynette English
Associate Head of Campus: Mike Panter
Phone: 08 9965 2264
Address: 27 Bayly Street, Geraldton WA 6530
Mobile Engagement Program (MEP)
MEP caters to some of the more disaffected young people, for whom a highly supported classroom environment is more than they are able to deal with. This program is primarily an offsite program with a teacher and a youth worker using a number of community-based resources such as the Library, Geraldton Universities Centre (GUC) & PCYC. The program focuses on building trusting relationships, setting wellbeing goals and working towards transition to onsite schooling.
Specialist Programs: These aim to produce improved outcomes for Young People attending GFS in the areas of social, emotional and cultural wellbeing. Such programs include: Mayu Wanggajimanha – Mayu Wanggajimanha meaning “kids talking together” provides young people with the opportunity to work with staff from the local Irra Wangga language centre to learn the Wajarri language whilst also being introduced to local history of Indigenous language, place and people. Wellbeing program – a suite of psycho-educational programs that are delivered by youth work staff and aim to address identified needs within the school group community. In doing so the program may introduce or enlist community services to develop connections between young people and local agencies that can meet their wellbeing needs. Outreach support – a youth worker has been employed to work with young people at their point of need usually in homes or in the community. It is designed for those severely disengaged or socially anxious who have been identified as requiring one-to-one support through the enrolment process. The staff member works closely with families and young people to commence transition into our school setting.
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27 Bayly Street, Geraldton WA 6530
Phone: 08 9965 2264